Once I Was…

Once I was on top of the world.
Once I was laughing till I cry.
Once I was innocent small and blue eyed.
Now I am stronger and full of pride.
Once I was bless to be with a very sweet soul.
Once I was loved from a very big heart.
Once I was spoiled by a very sweet Nana.
Now I am loved by a very sweet angel.
Once I was broken from losing a very sweet Nana.
Once I was on the wrong path.
Once I was foolish, silly, and blinded.
Now I am wide eyed and not ashamed.
Once I was loving singing with praise.
Once I was standing feeling the grace.
Once I was walking following His grace.
Now I am saved.

I Miss You

You don’t know how much i miss you.
I miss your voice
I miss your smell
I miss your touch
I miss your everything really.
It seems just like yesterday you were here..
It seems just like yesterday you left..
I’ve struggled with you leaving.
I would do anything to see you,
but then again I wouldn’t.
You’re in Heaven happy and not hurting.
I have to put my selfishness aside.
Sometimes I get mad at you.
Sometimes I’m happy you left.
I’m not happy you left.
I’m happy you’re not hurting.
I just wish i could ask you why.
Why didn’t you tell us about the blood clot?
I have so many unanswered questions.
I just want you to know
I love you.
I miss you.
I can’t wait to see you again.


Easter is probably the best time of the year. We get to celebrate the revival of Christ. Ill go to Easter Sunday Church. After church I’ll go eat at my Nana and Papas house with my family. Then I will hide Easter eggs for my 2 year old cousin Kaylee and my 10 year old cousin Autumn. We’ll be sweet for Kaylee, but evil for Autumn! My Easter should be really fun. I get to spend time with my family on the best day ever.


Spring Break, the time you can leave boring old school and have fun! The time you can go to a different state, met new people, go see family, and make new memories. You can have the time of your life within that week of spring break.
During my spring break I’ll be going to Oklahoma to see my Grandpa James and Grandma Regina, then I’m going to Dallas for two days to shop till I drop! I”ll probably also be riding four wheelers with the boys Justin, Brant, and Colton. My spring break should be very eventful and fun! I cant wait to make new memories with my family and friends.


The beating of hooves.
The sound of nays.
The feel of the reins on your hands
The smell of pine trees.

The whispering of flowers.
The thrill of excitement.
The feel of running across an open field full speed.
It’s absolutely…amazing.